Join thousands of fans and relive the battle for the Seven Kingdoms.

Season 1
Waves are rising beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of the kingdom. The powerful House Baratheon, the brave and kind House Stark, the Targaryen who seeks the throne, and the Lannister who has secrets to hide. These families have their own agendas, and this country is going to be a free-for-all.

Season 2
The Baratheon rivalry ends. Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis' fleet assaults King's Landing. Tyrion wakes up in a new world; Dany goes to a strange place; Jon proves himself.

Season 3
House Frey joins forces with House Tully. Jon faces his most difficult test yet. Joffrey challenges Tywin. Dany waits to see if she is a conqueror or a liberator.

Season 4
Stannis and Davos set sail with a new strategy. Jon Snow and the rest of the Night's Watch face the biggest challenge to the Wall yet. Dany faces some harsh realities; Tyrion sees the truth of his situation.

Season 5
Tyrion learns of a conspiracy and Jon is caught between two kings.Stannis confronts a troubling decision. Jon returns to The Wall. Mace visits the Iron Bank.Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei seeks forgiveness.

Season 6
Daenerys meets her future. Arya trains to be No One. While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion's plans bear fruit. Arya faces a new test. Cersei faces a day of reckoning. Daenerys antes up for the 'Great Game.'

Season 7
Daenerys Targaryen returns to Westeros to unite the Seven Kingdoms, but be warned by Jon Snow, King in the North, of a deadly threat from the Northern Army of the Dead. Winter has arrived, the major families are about to face the final battle of life and death.

Season 8
Arriving at Winterfell, Jon and Daenerys struggle to unite a divided North. An epic conflict looms at King's Landing, the fate of the Seven Kingdoms is at stake.